Scholarships and Grants List

Scholarships are a crucial way many students use to fully or partially fund higher education.
Few students can afford college without some help. Scholarship programs help students to meet their educational goals. There are scholarships for various fields and majors. Scholarships may also be granted based on personal accomplishments, race, religion and more. There are hundreds of scholarships waiting for the right types of students to apply. These lists of scholarship and grants are sampling of what could be available to you. Simply click on the links to find out more about them.

Business and Technology Careers

Careers in business and technology offer a wealth of growth opportunities. From entrepreneurship to computer programming there are all kinds of exciting areas of study. Because of the increasing need for people in these professions, there are many scholarships available in areas such as:

Mathematical Careers

While some people struggle with math, for others it is their strong point. Studying numbers can become a lucrative career. Women who are proficient in math can also find unique scholarship opportunities. Consider careers in:

Careers in the Arts, Humanities and Languages

If you are a creative entity who appreciates color and texture, there are countless scholarships in the area of arts and humanities. Those who paint pictures with words might want to consider a career in journalism, English or liberal arts with scholarships in the areas of:

Technical and Vocational Careers

Some people work well with their hands and can’t imagine sitting in an office all day. They want to attend vocational school to get the hands-on training they need to enter a field such as automotive repair, massage therapy or cosmetology. There are also scholarships for various vocational studies including:

Medical and Science Careers

There is a high demand for people in certain medical careers such as nursing, which means there are great scholarships available. If you enjoy science and helping people, this might be the perfect career for you with scholarships in areas such as:

Careers in Social Sciences

Other students want to reach out to people in a different way. Social sciences make it possible to help people with their emotional, social and vocational lives. You can help direct others and score scholarships in careers focused on:

Legal Careers

Legal careers are another way to assist others. Providing solid legal advice can help a person get to the next level in their lives. From buying a home to defending criminal charges, legal services make a difference with scholarships available in:

Careers in Education

Much like you, people of all ages and backgrounds want a better education. Learning is the key to landing your dream career. There is always a high demand for teachers in all areas. If you think you can make people feel enthusiastic about learning, consider applying for scholarships in:

Scholarships by Degree and Age Level

Scholarships can be granted based on the type of degree you are pursuing. There are undergraduate degrees for students who want to earn an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree. Students who completed these degrees might be seeking a graduate degree scholarship to help them pursue their career aspirations. There are also vocational scholarships for students attending one, two and four-year schools for specific career training.

Your age level may also be criteria for applying for certain scholarships. There are scholarships for high school freshmen and sophomores as well as for juniors and seniors. There are also scholarships for returning students who are 30 and older. Even seniors have opportunities to have their college education financially covered. Federal and state governments may offer these scholarships as well as private and public entities.

Scholarships from Schools and Businesses

Many schools offer their own scholarships to attract the brightest and best students. These awards might be based on your current educational transcripts as well as ACT and SAT test score results. Some schools administer a test to qualify for scholarships. Others require an official high school transcript, letters of recommendation and/or essays. Students should always inquire about possible scholarships from the schools they want to attend.

People who work for certain companies may also qualify for scholarship opportunities. From fast food restaurants to retailers to Fortune 500 companies, the business you work for might offer educational assistance. It also makes sense to find a part-time job with a company that encourages higher education by offering scholarships or tuition reimbursement.

Scholarships for Women and Minorities

Special scholarships exist for women in every field of study. There are also scholarships to encourage women to go into male-dominated fields such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These scholarships are referred to as STEM scholarships. These fields also have a shortage of viable candidates and offer unlimited growth opportunities. There are also scholarships offered by professional and civic organizations dedicated to women’s rights and advancement.

Minorities as well as designated races and religions also have access to specific scholarships. Many of them are also in areas such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics. These fields have typically been dominated by while males in the past. Houses of worship, special interest groups and minority organizations offer many scholarship opportunities to help people cover the costs of a college education.

Scholarships By State

Other Scholarships

Every year hundreds of thousands of dollars are given away to students who want to go to college and pursue certain career goals. These crucial funds can go unclaimed if students do not apply for the scholarships. A simple search opens up a world of educational opportunities. Consider what you want to major in and where you want to go to school. Review your race, religion and accomplishments to qualify for even more scholarships. The money you need for college could be just a few scholarship applications away!