Write a Winning Essay
High school seniors, juniors and students currently registered at post-secondary institutions can write an essay to qualify for the B. Davis Scholarship. The deadline to apply for the $1,000 award is May 22.
There is no age requirement for this non-academic scholarship. Be sure, however, to include your name, where you are currently attending school, and what your future academic plans are. Please do not send transcripts or letters of recommendation at this time.
An essay of less than 1,000 words is required on a topic designated on the website. The current essay topic is “Describe the three characteristics of leadership you value most. Discuss why you believe that these traits are so important and how you feel that they are developed in an individual.”. Your submissions must be sent via email at [email protected].
Are You a Vegan?
Are you a vegetarian who promotes the lifestyle? Three high school seniors graduating in spring 2019 who have promoted vegetarianism in their communities or schools will be awarded The Vegetarian Resource Group College Scholarships in the amount of $10,000 (one award) and $5,000 (two awards) in 2019. The deadline to apply is February 20. Qualifying applications and essays become the property of the sponsoring Vegetarian Resource Group. Applicants are judged on courage, compassion and strong commitment to promoting peace through a vegan lifestyle. Vegetarians do not consume fowl, meat or fish. One $10,000 and Two $5,000 scholarships are awarded. Go to the website for complete details at www.vrg.org/student/scholar.htm.
Everything’s Just Ducky!
Can you imagine yourself wearing duct tape to the prom? If you can pull it off with style and pizazz, you just might qualify for a Stuck at Prom Duct Tape College Scholarship. High school students over 14 years old can apply between April and May for awards up to $10,000. The Stuck at Prom scholarship requires applicants to create their prom outfits, or accessorize them, with items made of duct tape. A photo of the couple wearing their items should be submitted to qualify for the award. There are also categories for accessories embellished by duct tape. To learn more, visit http://duckbrand.com/promotions.
Win the Sweepstakes
High school seniors and current undergrads are eligible for the SunTrust Off to College Scholarship Sweepstakes. New scholarship information will be available on their website
The SunTrust scholarship sweepstakes is an easy way for students to possibly win a $500 scholarship by just completing an entry form. You may complete the on line form at their website or send in a 3×5 index card as outlined on the website. Only one entry is allowed per person per month. The money may be used at any accredited college or private career school. For additional info, visit suntrusteducation.com/ScholarshipSweepstakes/index.html.
Remember WWII
High school students, grades 9-12, with an interest in history and the ability to write a compelling essay may qualify for the The National WWII Museum Online Essay Contest Scholarship of up to $1,000. Deadline: December, 2017. Topic will be announced on their website in September.
Essays must be written in the applicants own words relating their opinions on the given topic. Essays are judged on clarity of expression, adherence to contest theme and originality. Entries are read and evaluated by WWII Museum staff.
Get A Jump Start!
Most high school seniors are looking for a jump start on educational expenses. Current high school students in grades 10 through 12 are eligible to apply for the College JumpStart Scholarship of up to $1,500. The deadline to apply is October 17 and April 15 of each year.
Financial need is not a consideration for this annual, merit-based scholarship. The main requirement is a commitment to going to school and the ability to express your goals for getting a college education. To get additional info, go to http://www.jumpstart-scholarship.net.
Do YOU Love Science?
Do you look forward to your school science fair every year? Current students between the ages of 13 and 18 are eligible to apply for the Google Global Science Fair Scholarships of up to $50,000. This prestigious scholarship is in partnership with leaders such as National Geographic and Lego. Google is searching for the best and brightest young scientists from around the globe. Creative, interesting projects should be relevant to the world today. Full information will be available soon. The competition starts on mid-February and ends on mid-May of each year. If you would like to be notified for updates, sign up at https://www.googlesciencefair.com/en/.
Keep the Drive Alive
If you have an interest in journalism and would also like to have your say about safer driving laws for teens, this is your chance. The Allstate Foundation is sponsoring their annual Keep the Drive High School Journalism Awards to encourage teens to educate their peers about the importance of stronger driving laws at the state or national level.
Scholarships will be available in the fall. Students may enter either the Print or Broadcast Category, but not both. Print Category submissions are articles written and published by students in their high school newspapers. Broadcast Category submissions are video segments in journalistic style written and produced by students and aired within the high school. Six winning teens will be rewarded with a total of $7,500 (three in each category)! Go to this website for further information http://www.allstatefoundation.org.
Public Service
Are you a current high school student who is under 18 years old and dedicated to public service? You might be eligible for the Caring Institute Caring Awards Scholarship for up to $2,000. The deadline to apply is March 1
Candidates can come from any walk of life but must show a selfless and deep concern for others with a long-time commitment to social improvement in the world, nation or community. To learn more about this public service scholarship award, visit http://caring.org/caring-awards/.
Community Involvement
Are you involved in your community and AXA? You may qualify for the AXA Achievement Community Scholarship Program for an award of up to $2,500.
This scholarship opportunity is open to current high school seniors. Scholarships are awarded locally through AXA. To learn more, visit https://us.axa.com/axa-foundation/community-scholarships.html.
Alzheimer’s Awareness
Have you been touched by Alzheimer’s disease through a family member, friend, neighbor or involvement in community service? If you are a high school student enrolling in a four-year accredited college within 12 month of the application deadline, you may qualify for the AFA Teens for Alzheimer’s Awareness College Scholarship of up to $5,000. The deadline to apply is February 15 of each year
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA) has a division just for teens, AFA Teens. Its goals include raising awareness about the disease, sharing feelings, providing education, support and counseling and referring teens and their family members to support services. Each student must submit an autobiography and an essay that answers questions about how this disease has impacted his or her life. Find out additional details at http://www.youngleadersofafa.org/about_new.html.
Entrepreneurial Drive?
Do you have perseverance, entrepreneurial drive and financial need with the desire to get a college education at an accredited public institution in your state? You may be eligible for the KFC Colonel’s Scholars Program with awards up to $5,000. The rules of entry and complete information regarding this scholarship program is posted on the KFC website at www.kfc.com/foundation/. – UPDATE: No longer available to public. The REACH Educational Grant Program: Available to KFC Restaurant hourly Team Members and Shift Supervisors only.
Underage Drinking
The Courageous Persuaders Scholarship Competitions offers numerous opportunities and scholarships for students who are aware of the dangers of underage drinking and want to warn middle school students about them. All it takes is a message that will hit home with middle school kids, your imagination, and your ability to create a television commercial which whatever equipment you have. Winning commercials will be broadcast on television. If you think you have what it takes to do this job, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by entering. The Courageous Persuaders Scholarship Competition scholarships award up to $3,000. The deadline to apply is February 11. Get more information at http://www.courageouspersuaders.com/contest.htm.
Do you have a talent for engineering and a feel for design? Well, you may be eligible for the EngineerGirl! Essay Contest for both girls and boys in 9th through 12th grade and awarding $500. The deadline to apply is February 1. The new contest will be announced on their website in September of each year.
Applicants must choose one of the foods from the list on the website and explain how it is produced, from planting to harvesting of raw material to being ready to eat. In 1500 words or less they must select a technology critical to one or more steps in the process and explain how it works. Discuss how various types of engineers may have worked together to design both the specific technology and the key elements of the design. Also discuss what is currently being done to improve the present technology. References must be included. To learn more about this scholarship opportunity, visit http://www.engineergirl.org.
Can You Communicate?
Jim McKay was well respected successful in the television broadcast industry, and for many years was the voice of the Wide World of Sports and the Olympics. The Jim McKay Memorial Scholarship awards a high school senior pursuing a communication major with $10,000. Applicants must complete a registration form, and write an essay about a specific topic provided by the scholarship committee. Scholarships are usually awarded to those high school seniors who go above and beyond the normal boundaries of their classmates. This scholarship requires submission of SAT and ACT scores, so you will need to have those tests completed before your application. Academic merit is also considered when determining winners of this award. The deadline for all entries is March 21. For complete application details and deadline information go to the website at http://www.emmyonline.org/scholarship/.
Scientific Curiosity?
Are you science bug with a particular interest in DNA and genetics? You might be eligible for the Annual DNA Day Essay Contest that will be awarding up to $1,000 this year for the 1st place essay. Other awards are $600 for 2nd place, $400 for 3rd, and there will be 10 prizes of $100 each for Honorable Mention. The deadline for this contest is March 10, 2017. The new question will be posted on their website in September of each year.
Sponsored by The American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), the contest is open to students in grades 9-12. The contest aims to challenge students to examine, question, and reflect on the important concepts of genetics. To find out more, visit http://www.ashg.org/education/dnaday.shtml.
Dedicated to the Prom
Have you been planning for and eagerly awaiting the prom for years? Your prom enthusiasm coupled with your imagination might score you the Prom Guide Scholarship for Creative Graduates for $1,000. – UPDATE: No longer able to find this scholarship from their website. Might be discontinued. Will post the update soon.
Applicants must submit a short YouTube video explaining the benefits of using the PG Card with the word “prom” in its title. You can also win a $1,000 scholarship by helping Prom Guide look for models for the Prom Guide Teen Model Search. Get additional details about these scholarship opportunities at http://promguide.com/.
Substance Abuse
Have you or someone you know personally ever had a personal encounter with drug and/or alcohol abuse? If you can express yourself in a compelling manner, you may qualify for the Alert Scholarship of up to $500. Winning essays are also published in Alert Magazine. There are no deadlines to apply for this award but students must attend a high school located in Alaska, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington or Wyoming.
Applicants much have a minimum 2.5 GPA, plan to attend college after graduation and submit an essay between 650-800 words about their encounter. The essay should discuss the drug/alcohol abuse, how it was dealt with, and whether it was handled right or wrong and why. To get additional details, visit http://www.alertmagazine.org/scholarship.php.
Are You a Math Whiz?
Are you good at applied mathematics with excellent problem-solving skills and the ability to work with a team? You could be eligible for the M3 Challenge, awarding up to $20,000. Deadline: Mid-February. The challenge is Internet-based with no participation or entrance fees. High schools can enter up to two teams of three to five students each. Students have 14 hours to solve a realistic, open-ended applied math-modeling problem. To find out more about this opportunity, visit http://m3challenge.siam.org/.
Ashley’s Award
Are you an excellent student who is respected by your teachers and peers? You may be eligible for the Ashley’s Dream Scholarship of up to $1500. The applicant must be a US high school student (or home schooled) attending a 4-year accredited college.
A video submission is required. To find out more about 2017 opportunity, go to http://ashleysdream.org.
Poster Contest
If you have a flair for art, you might want to consider the Christophers Annual High School Poster Contest for high school students. Students in grades 9 through 12 create a poster that visually interprets a designated theme – this year’s theme is “One Person Can Make a Difference”. Each year eight winners selected and prizes awarded of $1,000 first prize, $500 second price, $250 third prize and honorable mentions of $100 each. Deadline is February of each year. To find out more about this creative way to pay for higher education and for the 2017 contest info., visit http://www.christophers.org/page.aspx?pid=274 for complete poster contest rules and application details.
If you don’t apply for scholarships, you are just throwing away free money that you could spend on your educational expenses. Money awarded through scholarships doesn’t ever have to be paid back and that money can save you hundreds – even thousands – of dollars over the course of your college career. This is money that could be used
- instead of taking out student loans;
- to attend a school out of town;
- to go to a school out of state;
- to live on campus instead of at home; or even
- make the difference between having to work or not while in school.
We’ve tried to give you just a little taste of the wide variety of things that scholarships are given for just to illustrate that there is one out there with your name on it waiting for you. You just have to dig in and find it! Why not go for it? You have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain! Happy hunting!